
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

From a seed to a build

  Since there’s many futures architects in this course, I will talk about what I’d like to be if I wouldn’t have chosen to become an architect. I would have love to be a botanist. I dreamed of it when I was a little girl, I used to read stories about scientist and their awesome trips to the jungle and how they fought against huge piranha plants... Yes, I would have traveled a lot and I am sure I would enjoyed seeing new plants, their shapes and colors... I don’t know how much earns a botanist in Chile hahaha I don’t think this is like a frustrated dream. Architecture and Botany are not different at all. You can see your projects like a seed, if you water it with your tears, feed it with your inner strength and light it up with hope, the project will begin to grow and one day you will be eating success's fruits. Okay, Architecture is not bad at all. After all, I’ve chosen this career by myself. Sometimes I really love it, but sometimes I really hate it and I wish I would